Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Game 2

Jorja made it through school with her sore mouth. She even managed to score a 100 on her physics test. Too bad her US History grade is a B- right now. There are some things that haven't been put in yet, so hopefully that will go up. Jorja didn't feel well enough to go to Kerity's after school though. She made it through work, although that was tough. She was exhausted and sore at the end of the day. I actually made dinner tonight and felt that needs to be documented. Two of the three people even liked it! (Can't please Preston with food now a days.)

I had the BEST time watching Game 2 of the World Series. Nats DOMINATED! It was so fun! Mike bought tickets to go see Game 4 in DC. He isn't going with anyone. He said he will be watching 'with 41K Nats fans.' Hahaha I hope they win for him!

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