Thursday, October 24, 2019

Fail Fest

Maysen sent me this picture because she thought the bat placement was funny. Haha. She was happy until a few hours later when she was sad. She got in a car accident today. Mike and I drove up to Logan for her birthday and tried to get the emission test on her car done. Their test thing was broken and they told us to come back tomorrow. Mike explained to Maysen how to do it. She got the test done today. When she finished she decided to go to IHOP. She drove through the parking lot and crossed this small street. She thought it was a four way stop, but it was only two way. She was completely stopped, looked both ways, but was a little too cautious. When she pulled out she waited long enough that another car came that she didn't notice. She thought it was a four way stop so she didn't think to double check again. No one was hurt, but Maysen was so embarrassed. Accidents are never fun. My poor little girl.

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