Friday, October 25, 2019

Celebrating the Porge

Mike had work off today and it ended up being perfect. While Jorja and Preston were at school we drove up to Logan to see Maysen. Mike was able to check out the car and drive it back home. He took off the entire bumper. It is ugly, but it runs. I drove Maysen home. We ate at the Waffle Iron before heading home. Mike went straight home and followed his gps. It told him to get off on I-80 then 215. I didn't turn on my gps because I knew the way home and got stuck in horrible traffic. Maysen and I stopped at Target. Maysen got Jorja a Utah State bottle and wanted to fill it with something. I told her Jorja had really wanted new pens. I knew the ones she liked before she got at Target, so we stopped there and found them. Maysen got her two packs. We hurried to Scheels to pick up a new wallet thing for Preston to give her. I was sooooo tempted to get her the one with the cactus, but I resisted. We got home just in time to head out to dinner.

Jorja picked Toscano. None of us had ever been there, but it was close. Jorja REALLY wanted Hailey to come with us. She wasn't going to be able to hang out with Hailey on her birthday, so she really wanted her here for this. Hailey was doing her night activity for the dance tonight, so she didn't have much time. This turned out perfect. The food was delicious and they sat us close to the bar with ALL THE TVs! I asked them if they could turn it on Fox. They asked why. That took me back for a second. Ummm. The World Series!!! They said okay, but they thought some people would want to watch the Jazz/Lakers game (that was going to be on in a few hours.) I said, "but....the World Series..." They turned it on right as the game started. It was so fun to have on in the background. Too bad the National lost! Hopefully Mike will get to see a good one!
Jorja opened her presents once she got home.
 Preston and Jorja with her new wallet ~ she loved it
 Mike, Maysen and Jorja with her new Utah State bottle
 Jorja LOVED it and LOVED the pens hahahaha
Jorja's big present from us was a giant jewelry cabinet she got a month ago. I wrapped up a small jewelry box today. I thought it would be great to take to dances. Usually she takes off her jewelry and tries to keep it in a small box. We also put a slip of paper saying we would pay her November car payment. She was happy about that.

Jorja went to the football game tonight. I think she just went by herself and found people to sit by. It was the first playoff game and Alta won. Bronson got everyone to sing Happy Birthday to Jorja. She loved that!
I met Jorja at the store after the game. We bought things for tonight and tomorrow. The girls from Chick-Fil-A are coming tonight to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. She is having a little pancake breakfast tomorrow for her birthday. Brynlee is coming to both, so she slept over. Turns out Brynlee is the only one who showed up for the cookies tonight. Hopefully more people show up tomorrow! That's okay though. Jorja was exhausted. She and Brynlee slept in the guest room. Brynlee made Jorja a scrapbook of the two of them. It was really cute. She waited until midnight to give it to her. Hopefully they won't be exhausted tomorrow!

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