Saturday, October 26, 2019

Jorja's 17th Birthday

Today was a crazy long day. It was super fun though, especially for Jorja. We started the day with a pancake bar. Except Mike took Maysen to get snow tires on her car, which left me with *gasp* cooking! Were they the best cookies? No, but I think that is what I like about them. Anyway, this was my favorite picture from the night. She looks so happy!
 Jorja's pumpkin got moldy for some reason
 So gross!
 Blurry, but the best picture I got with her
Stephanie & Jorja
So many people came it was crazy! People were here for several hours and Jorja loved every second.
 Singing 'Happy Birthday' to Jorja with her birthday pancake
 Chick-Fil-A friends hiding for some unknown reason
Sam, Carson, Chloee, Brynlee, Jorja, Ben & Cam, Spencer
 Chloee, Spencer, Johnny, Gage, Seurette, Kelsey, Jorja, Aysha, Annie, Jordan, Autumn, Jake, Emily
Brynlee, Joe, Dallin, Elle, Sam, Sam, Ben, Cam, Carson
 Autumn, Aysha, Jorja, Kelsey
 Seurette & Jorja
 Elle & Jorja
 Jake & Jorja
 Sam was our photographer because I did a horrible job
 Dallin, Annie
Joe, Sam, Gage, Jordan
 Sam & Jorja
 Sam, Gage, Jorja
 Joe & Jorja
 Jorja & Annie
 Dallin & Jorja
 Emily & Jorja
 Gage & Jorja
 Johnny & Jorja
 Jordan & Jorja
 Sam & Jorja
 Jordan & Gage
 Chick-Fil-A Sam & Jorda
 Bode & Jorja
 As pretty as the tree is, the pictures turned out way better against the wall
 Jorja thinks Bode's muscle in this picture is so funny
 Carson, Cam, Jorja, Ben, Chloee, Brynlee, Spencer
 Jorja & Carson
 Brynlee, Spencer, Ben, Cam
Randomly Ben started acting like a missionary to Cam. It was awkward and hilarious at the same time.
 Cam & Jorja
Once everyone left it was time for the Halloween dance date. The day activity was painting pumpkins. Mike and Maysen had bought small fake pumpkins for them to paint. The boy painted one for the girl to keep and the girl painted one for the boy to keep. They seemed to have a great time with this.
Jack & Madison, Jorja & Spencer, Brynlee & Ben, Gage & Chloee
 Jorja & Spencer
 Jack & Madison
 Brynlee & Ben
 Gage & Chloee
 Spencer & Jorja
The boys were dropped off while the girls got ready for the dance at our house. The boys dressed as cops and the girls dressed as robbers. They took their pictures at a local pumpkin patch. Shockingly Jorja was adorable.
 Spencer & Jorja
 Chloee, Madison, Brynlee, Jorja
 Gage, Spencer, Ben, Jack
 Chloee & Gage, Brynlee & Ben, Jorja & Spencer, Madison & Jack
 Jorja & Spencer
 Spencer & Jorja
 Gage & Chloee, Brynlee & Ben, Jorja & Spencer, Madison & Jack
 Jorja & Spencer
 More heads
Jorja had a lot of fun at the dance, despite being knocked over and stepped on. That seems to happen every dance. After the dance they went to Madison's house. Mike and I brought up Jorja's birthday cake for them. Mike was supposed to set up the Jackbox games, but they were kind of tired and sleepy. They never played that. Jorja had more energy than others somehow and had a mini 'fight night' with Ben. All in all, the Halloween dance seemed to be a success.
The other thing that happened today was Game 4 of the World Series. Too bad the Rats lost again, and it wasn't even close. This is the game Mike flew out from New Mexico for. Mike texted this picture and said, "View from John's seat" ... WHAT? John was at the game? Mike said it was a long story, but he ended up with an extra ticket and wasn't able to sell it for what it was worth. So, instead of selling it he called up John! John lives about two hours from the stadium. Wow. Imagine getting a call asking if you want to go to the World Series, and then these are your seats! Mike was about 19 rows behind him. Too bad the game wasn't more exciting!
View from John's seat
 John & Mike
 Mike took this picture from his seat. John is standing up in the red hoodie. Amazing!
 Mike and 'Mattress Mack'
Mike randomly met the biggest Astros fan. He bet millions for the Astros to win.
Another birthday in the books. Jorja wasn't super excited to have a dance on her birthday, but I think it turned out okay. She ended up having a lot of fun. She was just more stressed during the planning stage because since the dance was on her birthday she wanted everything to be perfect. She got home right around midnight. She was tired, but very happy.

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