Sunday, October 27, 2019

Red Ribbon

Conner had his mission farewell today. Jorja said he did great. She was grumpy when she came home and I wondered what the heck happened. Mike said she was just sad because he is leaving. Turns out that was the case and she became super happy after awhile. Jorja went to the farewell with Bode and Kelsey. I'm glad she had people to go with, she gets really nervous going to things alone.
Conner & Jorja
 Kelsey and Jorja making fun of Bode's bicep
Game five of the World Series happened today. The Nats lost. They lost all three games at home. That's disappointing. The Astros now lead the series 3-2. Hopefully things will go better next week! I did get a lot of Mina's stocking done during the World Series. Almost finished, but there are sooo many French knots. It is beautiful though. I am very happy with it.
Jorja walked by while I was texting Rachel. I snapped this picture of her. I love it when Jorja wears this shirt. It makes me laugh. Rachel gave it to her years ago.
Jorja is in PLT (peer leadership team) and LOVES it! They were supposed to post about the different events going on for red ribbon week. Jorja, of course, has to be a wacko about it. Haha. I love her. She makes me laugh!
Preston and Jorja during scripture study

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