Monday, October 28, 2019


Stockton called me today and let me know he has been transferred! He is going to the Tucson South area and his new companion will be Elder Kelly. Stockton has been in this area since May, so this will be a change. A good one though. I hope, hope, hope, hope, hope it is where my roommate Nikki is. That would be amazing! I'm pretty sure it is the same area, but chances are slim it is the same district.

Jorja had a student government party today. Jorja, Jessie and Seurette dressed up as 'Ice, Ice, Baby'. Haha! Sounded like she had a great time.
While Jorja was there she got asked to the Winters dance. I was gone when this happened. I went with Amber and Ashley to make lots of dinners. Megan signed up to go with them, but ended up going out of town. She asked if I would go and give her half of the dinners. I got to keep the other half and she paid for everything. Sounds like an excellent deal to me! Anyway, Jorja was asked to the dance by Ben. The same Ben she thought was killed by a spider when she got her wisdom teeth out. She's pretty excited about going with Ben. She became even more excited when she found out his two friends asked Hailey and Emily. She's looking forward to this one!

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