Saturday, October 12, 2019

Classroom Safe

Jorja and a few of her friends headed to the canyon to take pictures. I helped Jorja get ready for the day. It was going to be a long one. Mike made cinnamon rolls for Jorja to take, we got her work stuff ready and then found her hippie costume so she could go to her PLT party after work.
Jorja looking for her costume
 Jorja, Hailey, Emily, Allison
 Allison, Jorja, Emily
 Hailey, Jorja, Emily
 Hailey & Jorja
 Allison, Hailey, Emily, Jorja
 Hailey & Jorja
 Jorja & Emily
 Allison, Emily, Jorja
 Emily & Jorja
Jorja worked for eight hours and then headed to her PLT party. She called us on the way. She did not want to go. She hates parties. I told her to go anyway. She was there for one minute when she texted 'This is so awkward" "I hate parties" I told her to give it a chance and find Jaren. About five minutes later she texted "I'm fine now I moved seats. I'm by Jaren." There are some people that calm Jorja just with their presence. I love those people. Jaren is one of them. Jorja ended up having a great time.

On a completely unrelated note. I saw these at the store. Who would market this candy as 'classroom safe'? There are going to be people that believe this. What about the people allergic to milk or eggs? Just in my family that is Larkin, Blake and Skye. I actually love Sixlets, but this packaging is awful.

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