Sunday, October 13, 2019


We had stake conference today. Madison spoke and did a great job. I finally finished the cross stitch for Mina's stocking! I'm so excited! There is a ton of outlining to do, but it looks like I will finish this before Israel!
Another picture from yesterday ~ Jorja, Hailey, Emily, Allison
 Mina's stocking
 Name is done!
Some time last week Jorja sent a message to the other Junior class officers with a cookie idea. She asked if they would like to get together once a week, or every other week and make cookies. They could be thinking of someone in the junior class that could use being cheered up or noticed. She would have cards and they could write a note and deliver the cookies together. Jorja was sad because not one of them responded. Later she found out the message never went through. On her phone it looked like it did, but Bode sent her a picture of what his group me looked like and it wasn't there. She felt better about that, so hopefully they will be able to figure it out. Because Jorja never heard back, she decided to just take cookies to a few of her friends. She made delicious double layer cookies, they just don't make a lot. She stopped by Madison, Hailey and Ben's house. I don't know why she topped Ben's cookies with a pizza roll, but we don't always know why Jorja does the thinks the does. We've just learned to roll with it.

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