Friday, October 18, 2019

Jorja's Teeth

Jorja got her wisdom teeth out today. The procedure went great with no complications. Hopefully she'll recover quickly.
 Jorja being wheelchaired out to the car
Jorja kept sending videos to people on the way home. Here are a few of them. She couldn't drink water, and she somehow convinced herself that her friend Ben died. He was killed by a spider. It was very logical. I couldn't find the clip where she was scared of a triangle. So...
"I shouldn't drink water"
Ben killed by a spider
Hailey went to Ben's funeral
Jorja sent a message to Cam saying that Ben died. He wrote back saying, "I heard. It's so sad." So, that convinced her Ben died for sure, didn't matter what I said.
Cam hacked the system from heaven
From Ben
Volcanoes in Utah, but I'm Jorja's favorite
Poor Porge
Hailey and Spencer came over to see Jorja today. They came separately, but ended up being here at the same time. Spencer brought Jorja a lemonade from Swig.
Hailey, Jorja, Spencer
Jorja felt better toward the end of the day and really wanted to go to U-Swirl. She mostly wanted to get out of the house. Jack was over playing with Preston, so we brought him with us. These two get along so well, I love it.
Jack & Preston

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