Saturday, October 19, 2019


Jorja spent all of the day in bed. She had some friends come and visit her, which made her so happy. The place that took out her wisdom teeth sent her flowers. They were so pretty. Too bad later in the day they got knocked over and spilled water all over her friend Cam.
 Cam & Jorja
Jack and Ellie stopped by from student government. Jorja LOVED that. They brought her a smoothie from Jamba Juice. They were so nice and talked to her for a long time. Jack got his wisdom teeth out a few months ago. He did it as a part of a study. Half of the participants get pain medication as they are recovering, half of them get a placebo. Jack is positive he received the placebo. The recovery was awful. He said he's glad he did it now, but he wouldn't want to do it again.
Jack & Ellie
 Jack, Ellie, Jorja
Her friend Mallory stopped by super late at night. Around 10:00 I think. She stayed until 1:00 in the morning. Jorja wasn't tired and had slept most of the day. Me, on the other hand..... I have been sleeping with Jorja, so I just crawled into bed and fell asleep while Mallory was here. She had just come back from Lake Powell, which is why she came so late. She is getting her wisdom teeth out on Monday.
BYU played Boise State today and WON! BYU has only won three games this year, and all of them have been against teams in the top 25. They lost two games to teams they should have destroyed. Anyway, I was watching the game by myself and BYU scored on an amazing trick play. I was cheering and Mike was walking down the hall. I said, "Mike! Hurry you got to see this!" He kept walking at his same speed and said, "I'm good." It annoyed me so bad. I couldn't pause the game, so I couldn't show him the play. It made me so sad. I went from cheering to being really sad in a matter of seconds. I hate that I am alone and no one will enjoy this with me. Mike didn't like that he made me feel sad, but he doesn't understand that he makes me feel like he thinks he is better than me because I like sports. I gave up watching sports for years when the kids were little, but it was such a big part of my childhood and it has been fun getting back into it. This is how I bond with my brothers. We have a group text that we use and text during the games. It is my main interaction with my family. I love that, but sometimes I want to enjoy with someone in the same house as me. It did prompt me to ask Jorja if she would marry someone who liked sports just a little bit so I would have someone to talk to. She would not agree to my stipulation. Anyway, I was watching the football game and following the baseball game on my phone. I didn't have the channel of the Astros/Yankees game. If the Astros won (which they did) they were going to the World Series. I had walked into the guest room to check on Jorja. Mike had spent most of the day with her. I looked down at my phone and said that Altuve was up. He's my favorite player on the Astros and I thought it would be amazing if he hit a walk-off. Which he DID!!!! Anyway, Mike said, "Is he the one that throws the football?" Hahahahahaha Oh my gosh! I hate it that no one enjoys sports with me, but sometimes you get gems like this that will make me laugh for days. BYU scored a touchdown and Altuve hit a walkoff homerun as I was leaving the room. Wow! What a fun day for sports!

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