Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Out of Business

Jorja was able to drop off her poster, flowers and pumpkin before school. The other kids in her group weren't able to meet her. She did send a text about it super late at night though. Anyway, she dropped it off and felt good about it. In student government, Sam Strong, the student body president said, "I want to give a shout out to Jorja Smith for being the first person in student government to do their act of kindness in four years." Then everyone clapped. Haha
I have been in charge of the missionary plaques for our ward for several years now. It's pretty easy. Once I get the information I send it to Joe's Trophy. They have our ward on file, so it is convenient. Except for the location, it is in Salt Lake. I finally got Ashley Scott's missionary information and sent it to them. I usually hear back the next day, but I didn't hear anything for a week and a half. I called, but their number had been disconnected. Not a good sign. Mike stopped by there on the way home from work and took this picture for me. So.....gotta figure out a new plan now.
Preston was sick today. He didn't eat his breakfast and looked just awful. I told him he needed to go back to sleep. He slept until noon. I made him a cheesemallow sandwich when he woke up. Then we played battleship and mancala. I dropped him off at school for seventh period. He was the host of the book club. He wrote his questions out last night and had treats. It's a big part of his grade, so he didn't want to miss it. He managed to make it through class and went back to sleep once he got home. I got a call today for a job interview. It would be in the attendance office at Alta. Those guys are my best friends! Haha. I know they are interviewing a lot of people, so I doubt I'd get the job, but it would be cool to be at the same school as Jorja. The hours are perfect too. 11:30-3:00. Just enough to get out of the house, but I'd get to be home with the kids. If I do get the job, hopefully no one gets mono.

Jorja and Hailey hung out today until it was time for Jorja to go to work. They had a blast together and spent most of the time recreating old videos they had made. Jorja had to close, so she got off late. She went to Walmart after work with Cam. They have a date tomorrow and Jorja wanted matching socks. Why? I don't know. They couldn't find any though.
Jorja & Cam

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