Tuesday, October 15, 2019


So....the Nationals won Game 4 tonight! They swept the Cardinals and are headed to the World Series! How awesome! The seven runs in the first inning sure took a lot of stress out of the game, but still! Super excited about that.

Jorja scored a 94% on her physics test, so that is awesome as well! After school she went shopping with Brynlee. They went looking for a costume for the Halloween dance. The boys are being cops and the girls are being robbers.
Brynlee & Jorja
I don't know how Jorja's room got messy so quickly! It was practically spotless a few days ago.....I thought Jorja looked super cute in the picture though, so messy room it is!
Robber Jorja
Jorja and I made a late night run to the store. She wanted to get some things to do her 'act of kindness' for the music department. They kids in student government are all assigned a group to do random acts of kindness throughout the year. No one ever does it. This was Jorja's first time. This year she is assigned to the choir (a cappella, lyrica, men's and women's choir) there are a few other officers assigned with her. Anyway, she made a poster to give to Ms. Iund, bought her flowers and filled up a pumpkin with candy so she can give it to her students. It turned out super cute.

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