Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Prayer Duck

Maysen sent me this screenshot. She said, "Still nervous about marketing project due tonight but less nervous after seeing this." She has a super long research paper that is a group project. How nice of this kid to recognize Maysen's hard work. Maysen said, "I felt like the weakest link and doubted myself. Glad I could contribute and wasn't looked down on." Most of the people in her class are marketing majors. Maysen is an English and Psychology major. They did the research and she wrote it up. I don't think Maysen realizes how much most people hate writing.
Jorja got to hangout with Conner for a few hours and came back so happy. She said they talked non-stop and it wasn't weird at all. She was worried because they hadn't really seen each other in awhile. She loved every second of being with him, but when we talked about it after she started tearing up. She says she was reminded how much she misses him, and he is going to leave on his mission in three weeks. She was basically useless the rest of the day though. She was going to get her room cleaned, but couldn't stop shaking after being with Conner. Haha. What a Porge. I love her.

In cuteness news....Preston is adorable. Why did he want to pray with a duck on his head? I don't know. He makes me laugh.

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