Monday, October 7, 2019


Talking to Stockton is THE BEST! I love it! I was talking to my friend Becky about how awesome it is to be able to talk to the missionaries. How much easier it makes the time go, for the people at home at least. Becky said, "You realize you are talking to him more now than you will ever talk to him for the rest of his life. He isn't going to call and talk to you for hours once a week when he is in college." Man. I'm going to miss this. It is awesome.

Jorja had her induction ceremony to NHS. She could only go for thirty minutes, because she needed to go to work. We left the second I got off the phone with Stockton and got there a few minutes after it started. We had to leave early, but luckily they read her name just in time.
Student government

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