Sunday, October 6, 2019

Too Fast

New Young Woman Theme
This weekend went by too fast. We listened to the last two sessions of conference. Uchtdorf was my favorite. I mean, he started by talking about The Hobbit. How could that talk be anything less than amazing? "God knows that you are not perfect, that you will fail at times. God loves you no less when you struggle than when you triumph." I love that.

Maysen left back to Utah State a few hours before we were able to leave. I was anxious to have her get through the canyon before dark. We got home around 11:00. The kids were able to sleep on the way. Preston slept in the back and listened to his book on audible. We weren't able to get his new book he needed, but we did find it on audible, so we called it good. Jorja slept in the bottom bunk. It was a quick trip. We didn't get everything done that we hoped we would. (Didn't help that the hardware store closed at 4:00 on Saturday.) But it was nice and peaceful to be at Parrydise. I love it there.

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