Thursday, November 7, 2019


Yearbook pictures for different groups were taken today. Jorja got her picture taken for student government and National Honor Society. They even had her do a makeup picture for PLT which was yesterday. I don't think she remembered to get a headshot for that, so we'll see what happens.
Junior Class Officers
Luke, Marshall, Dallen, Jorja, Bode, Joe
 National Honor Society
Luke, Gabby, Riley, Jorja, Marshall, Will, Emily
Jorja did not feel well today. She started texting me a little before 9:00 about how she didn't feel good. She tried to stay, but I ended up coming to get her a little before 11:00. She wanted to go to her AP History class one more time to decide if she should stick with it. She texted me during the class saying she was going to transfer. I told her to leave and go to the counselor's office. She sits in the back of the class, so it wasn't obvious. She left and went to the class she is transferring into to get the new teacher to sign it. Jorja said she felt such peace when she walked in there, she knew this was the right decision. Hope it works out better!

Jorja slept most of the day, but wanted to go to the marching band performance tonight. One of her friends is in it and has worked really hard. She went to that with her friend Kelsey. She even made a poster.
Chelsea, Madison, Carter, Catherine, Kelsey, Tommy, Jorja
 Madison gave Jorja a super cute birthday present
All about how much she loves her
Jorja ~ day 7

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