Friday, November 8, 2019

Stockton Videos

Jorja got to go to an elementary school for PLT today. She missed on Wednesday, so she was pretty excited to go today. It was her first time. This morning she couldn't find her PLT jersey anywhere. She had it yesterday for the yearbook picture, but could not find it. She was so sad and embarrassed. She went to school and checked the field house (where the pictures were taken) and she checked the lost and found in the office. It wasn't there. She was panicking. I checked my car, her bedroom and then the guest room. I knelt down to pray, stood up and two seconds later found her jersey. It was in her backpack. She had checked there, but it was in the backpack sleeve part. Anyway, I was able to get it to her before she needed it. Thank heavens!

Jorja had a great time at the school. They had a bit of time before their next class, so they went to Einsteins Bagels. Jorja had a cookie and half a bagel. She got so sick. She started texting me in physics class that she thought she was going to throw up. She was begging me to let her come home. So, she missed Chinese again. Jorja came home, took medicine and fell right asleep. She slept for three hours before I got her up so she could go to work. After work she had a sleepover with the student government girls. I know she checked out of school and then I let her go to a sleepover, but that is how things worked out today.

Maysen came down today. She is here for Preston's birthday on Sunday and he is so happy about that.

I was randomly texted videos of Stockton and it was AWESOME! I love getting things like this! Stockton looks so happy. He has always been great with kids. I love him!
Two little girls, Stockton, Elder Kelly
Jorja ~ day 8

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