Saturday, November 9, 2019

Leadership Day

It was great to have Maysen here all day. She did a lot of homework, but she played with us too. We went to IHOP and Maysen played Haunted Mansion with Preston. They were adorable.
 Preston & Maysen
Preston's birthday is tomorrow. For a few weeks he has been asking for eclairs instead of a birthday cake. He wants homemade eclairs. So....yesterday Mike helped me make the cream. Today I made the puffs. Tomorrow will be the chocolate. It takes a long time, but they are the best eclairs in the world.

Jorja spent the day at Utah State. Maysen wasn't even there. Haha. She had a great day though. She went up to Logan with several people in student government. They left straight from Aysha's house. Gage drove her and Seurette. He also brought a friend from Corner Canyon named Nick.
Nick, Gage, Kate, Seurette, Jessie, Kelsey having breakfast at Angie's
The kids were divided into different groups for the day. Jorja was in the same group as Elle and Gage's friend. At the beginning of the day they had them sit on a bench while they asked them their names and school. Nick said he was from Corner Canyon. Jorja was next to him and said she was from Alta. The counselor said, "Wait, don't those schools hate each other? Are you guys dating?" Then the rest of the day their counselors teased them about dating. Jorja said it was kind of awkward because she had just met the kid that morning. At least Jorja loved the day and she loved the classes. What a fun experience.
 Jorja & Nick
 Jessie, Seurette, Gage, Nick, Jorja, Kate, Kelsey
Gage, Kelsey, Jorja, Nick
 Jorja ~ day 9

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