Sunday, November 10, 2019

Preston's 13th Birthday

Wow! I can not believe my baby is a teenager. I love this boy so much. He is the sweetest thing ever to exist.
Mike made crepes this morning before we went to church. It was fun to have Maysen here! Preston loved it.
Preston, Maysen, Jorja
 Preston's birthday cake
Preston loved his presents. He got five different add ons for Colt Express and we also got him another mystery game. That will be fun to play. His favorite present was a duck diaper for Quacky Chan. Haha. We brought Quacky Chan in for awhile. I made Mike give him a bath though.
Preston & Mike
We played Colt Express with one of the new add ons. It was fun. Except Jorja found out that her friend blocked her from Snapchat and Instagram. She was sad. She was trying real hard though. She smiled and was pleasant, but had tears running down her face. I'm so angry at this girl. Why are people so mean to her, and thanks for doing this on Preston's birthday.

Maysen went back home after Colt Express. It's always nice when I get the text that she made it back safely. I miss her, but I am so proud of her. It's crazy that Preston is a teenager. I love him so much. He is sweet and kind and he loves his family very much. It's weird to not have little kids anymore, even though he will always be my baby.

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