Thursday, November 14, 2019


I said goodbye to my family today and Mike dropped me off at my Dad's house. I was about ten minutes early. Yay me! When I got there my dad was cooking meat to mix up in the dog food. This dog then licked out the pan. I didn't get my camera out fast enough to catch him though.
Everything went fine the first trip. We saw Mark, Steve and Sharon at the airport. That was fun. We landed in JFK and had dinner at Shake Shack. After awhile Rachel showed up. Yay! Then we waited. We waited and waited and waited. We were supposed to depart at 11:11. It ended up being 3:00 in the morning. A part broke on our plane and they had to fly the part in from Atlanta. Then we waited for the mechanics to fix it. It was a long night.
Rachel & Stephanie
One funny story.... I was sitting down talking to different people we met, when out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw Sharon walk into the boys bathroom. I jumped up to try and get her, but she was gone. I was calling her name and Steve was looking at me. I told him I really thought she just went into the boys bathroom. Rachel and I were standing outside and I was laughing. Steve walked in to go see. I told Rachel that I really hoped she was in there or I would feel so stupid. A little while later Steve walked out with Sharon. She was brushing her teeth and laughing. She had no idea. Haha.

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