Friday, November 15, 2019

Ron Beach Hotel

We are here!!!!! We had a long flight. I had a hard time sleeping, but I got to watch lots of movies. Dora was my favorite. Haha. When we landed we had to be towed to the gate because the same part that was broken before broke again. I think they said it was the steering mechanism. Anyway, we are here safe and sound.
Stephanie ~ Welcome to Israel
We had an hour and a half bus ride to the Ron Beach Hotel in Tiberias. It is on the Sea of Galilee. Excited to see what our view is tomorrow. I know there is a playground outside our window. Because our flight was so late we missed dinner. The hotel had this waiting for us in our room. One sandwich has meat and one has cheese. Super nice of them. It is 1:30 in the morning now and we have to get up at 5:30, so that was our day! Hopefully my family is doing great at home!

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