Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Sad, Sick, Sad

I finally finished Mina's stocking!!!
I am so happy with how this turned out. It is even more beautiful in person. Good thing Rachel is going to sew this together for me. I would hate to mess it up now! I am so glad I finished this before my Israel trip. Can't wait to give it to Rachel!

Today was a long day. Jorja got all As and a B+ in her AP history class. Their teacher gives them vouchers to use if you are late or need to turn in an assignment late. If you don't use the vouchers, you can turn them in for up to 30 extra credit points. Jorja never was late and turned everything in on time. If she was given full credit it would boost her grade from a B+ to an A. That is a big difference. Except her teacher never put in her extra credit. Jorja talked to him about it on Wednesday. He told her to send him an email and he would put it in. She sent the email, but the extra credit was never added. She asked him about it today and he told her that he used her vouchers for late assignments. Jorja was floored. She said she never turned in anything late. He said she did. She said she promised she never turned in anything late. He made her feel like she was lying. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but Jorja ended up leaving class and crying in the bathroom. She has complained to me before that this teacher doesn't like her. The things she was texting me was....wow. I know this teacher is an excellent teacher. My other two kids had him and loved him. Jorja is different than my other kids though. This is also most likely his last year teaching and he might be burned out. Anyway, it was so bad emotionally on her that I asked her if she wanted to transfer. She said yes. I called the counselor's office and asked for an appointment. I told them I wanted to talk about transferring a class. The kids have ten days at the start of a new quarter where they can transfer. It didn't sound like it would be easy for Jorja to get an appointment. I then said, "Well, she is crying in the bathroom right now." That changed everything. They had me send Jorja down right away. She was even able to see her own counselor, and she was awesome. She didn't make Jorja feel embarrassed and she worked really well with her. She gave Jorja options and when Jorja wasn't sure what to do she told Jorja she could go home, talk with me and think about it. They were great with her. They even told her she didn't need to go back to class. I came down and picked Jorja up and we went to Zupas. Jorja feels embarrassed to transfer. She can't get into the other AP class without switching her math and physics class. I told her I didn't want her to touch her math class. She has a teacher that she understands, and that is worth more than an AP class. Jorja isn't sure what to do. I'm trying to convince her that her mental health is important as well. If the class is going to make her feel like this the entire year, it isn't worth it. (If this was the only day she had a problem I would have a different opinion, but she has felt like this almost every time she has gone to class. When I was a junior I had a class where I could do no right. It was my English class. I would walk in the class determined not to talk. I vividly remember looking down at my desk, not saying even one word. I still got yelled at and told to leave the class. She yelled at me literally every day and told me to leave. I never left because I had no idea where to go to. Mike was in this class. He knows it happened. One time there was only talking on the other side of the room and I still got yelled at. One time I was looking down and could see out of the corner of my eye Mike throwing something across the room. I knew there was absolutely no way I could get in trouble. I was wrong. Still, it was me getting yelled at. I will always remember her yelling at me one day and Seth Bradley standing up for me and saying I wasn't talking at all. I couldn't believe someone would do that for me. Still, she told me I needed to leave. I wonder what would have happened if I left. I was super shy and never got in trouble except for this class. It was so weird.) Anyway, I know Stockton's junior year would have been so much better if he had transferred out of AP physics with calc. He would have been amazing in a regular AP physics class, but the teacher he had was awful. Jorja had such a hard year last year, I don't want her to struggle for another year. She still has AP English that she is taking. Anyway, we'll see what she decides. Also, her teacher ended up changing her grade to an A, so she got a 4.0 this quarter. Nicely done Porge.

Ben came over after school to work on their rocket. They spent forever doing that. Jorja missed when these were handed out because of her eye appointment. They went straight to the state volleyball tournament. That was the activity student government was required to go to for the week. They met up with Hailey and Emily too. Jorja started feeling really sick when she was out with them. Ben knocked on our door when he dropped her off. He said, "Jorja's really sick. She needs help." I ran outside to find Jorja throwing up on the driveway. She smiled and said, "Hi mom! I'm sick." Oh gosh! As Ben was pulling into our driveway Jorja opened up the door and threw up. Then she threw up for about five more minutes. It was pretty violent too. She was in so much pain. She has still been sleeping in the guest room from when she got her wisdom teeth out. I slept with her. Whenever I would leave she would wimper, "Don't leave me." I would explain what I was doing so she knew I would be back. Jorja had the worst night sleep ever. She threw up all night long. One time she finally was asleep and then bolted upright and threw up all over the bed. I couldn't get the throw up bowl to her fast enough. It reminded me of having babies all over again. There I was up all night, cleaning sheets in the middle of the night. Jorja kept complaining about her stomach and how bad it hurt. I was worried for a bit that it could be her appendix, but I think it was a really bad stomach virus.

Another fun thing that happened....right as Jorja was in the middle of violently throwing up. Towards the beginning of all this mess, she brought me her phone. One of her best friends had texted her a pretty mean message. She said she needed to confront Jorja. I'm going to just write it because I can't explain it well. But realize, this message came while Jorja was in the middle of throwing up. Also, realize Jorja's biggest fear is people not wanting to be her friend anymore and dropping out of her life. The sad thing is that this has happened more than once already. Anyway....

Friend: hey so i've been really stressing about you honestly and i just wanted to confront you. i've noticed that you've been ignoring me a lot.. and i don't know if it's because of the work environment or i did something. it just really hurts seeing your best friend treat you that way for a reason i don't know about. if you could just be honest and explain that would be great. and if you want a break or stop being friends please be honest. i'm just really stressing about it and wanted to address it.
Jorja: Wait what
J: I haven't been ignoring you
F: well if it haven't felt like this than i wouldn't address it's
F: I'm not causing drama i've just felt like you've been treating me different
J: I'm sorry I really didn't mean anything of it I don't feel like I've been different I just haven't seen you
J: I'm so sorry I've been sitting here throwing up for the past 20 minutes so it's hard to see but I hope you know I love you so much and you're the biggest angel in my life. You mean so much to me and I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm really sorry for being like this and I'm so sorry. I cant imagine losing you

That was it. Jorja didn't get a response. I was annoyed at Jorja for saying she is sorry for being like this. Jorja has absolutely no idea what this girl is talking about. Jorja considers her one of her very best friends and this just came out of the blue. They don't go to the same school, so Jorja just sees her at work. I am so annoyed at this girl right now. There have been some minor things that have concerned me in the past, and I've talked to Jorja about them - but Jorja loves this girl. I can not believe she did this. She obviously had made up her mind before she sent the text. Starting it out with 'wanted to confront you'. Then the timing of the text. She had no idea Jorja would be so sick, but man did this make everything worse. Then after Jorja's apology just ignoring her. (I am writing this late again and this girl never responded to Jorja.) I'm sorry, but what a jerk. I don't know why this keeps happening to Jorja. She puts herself out there and loves with her entire heart. She is the sweetest, kindest creature to ever live. Why does her heart keep being broken? Anyway.....here is her day of gratitude post....
Jorja ~ day 5

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