Monday, November 4, 2019

Pretty Blue Eyed Girl

I got to talk to Stockton today!!! He is in another bike area, but this area is crazy big. It takes them two hours to bike to one of the ward meeting houses they are supposed to go to. Both Elder Kelly and Stockton got flat tires on a road where they had no cell service. Stockton said his brake exploded too. I asked him, again, if he wanted to get another bike. He said he only uses one brake anyway, so it should be fine. Haha. Both Stockton and Elder Kelly are new to this area, so they are trying their best to figure things out. I was on the phone with Stockton when they were looking up to see how far away their dinner appointment was. 45 minutes to bike. Which is google maps minutes, it would take them an hour at least. Luckily they texted the family and were able to get them to pick them up. This is going to be interesting. Stockton and Elder Kelly are also coming in here after Sister Missionaries have been here. They said their mission book was the worst! They labeled people as 'Pretty Blue Eyed Girl' and 'House Across from the Horses'. Hahaha. Made me laugh.

Heather and I met up with Jordyn at her new house! It was the first time we were able to see it, and it is adorable!!! It was super quick to be there, but worth it. Man do I wish Heather was coming on this trip, but it will be SO fun to have Jordyn there!
Jorja ~ day 4

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