Sunday, November 3, 2019

Scones and Cookies

Mike taught my lesson in Sunday school. He taught his lesson about resiliency that I love. It went great! I have a hard class. Mike is a fantastic teacher. I love watching him teach.
Jorja & Stephanie
 Maysen, Mike, Jorja, Stephanie
We had family dinner at Matt and Sam's today. Sam had to go to the hospital and stay over night this past week, but today she was doing okay. Hopefully baby Kaylee will stay in there for a long time! I think Sam is 25 weeks along now. Maybe Kaylee will be born on my birthday? I thought there was a chance she would be born on Stockton's birthday, but she would have had to come early. Now there is no chance because they won't let Sam go longer than 34 weeks. So mine is looking like a real possibility. Stockton would be SO MAD! Haha! The other three kids share a birthday with a first cousin. This was probably his last chance. He feels left out. Hahaha. Maysen was born on Taylor's third birthday. Lincoln was born on Jorja's third birthday. Preston was born on Erica's tenth birthday. Would have been cool to have Kaylee born on Stockton's twentieth birthday. Wow! I can't believe Stockton is almost twenty!!!
Trolling my brothers with my dad's scones
Jorja had Matt's three oldest kids wrapped around her finger most of the night. I wanted to get a picture of all of them playing on phones because it was so funny! Too bad Greg had my phone. These kids adore Jorja. So, so cute!
Greg, Jorja, Anne, Jeff
 Amy with an adorable cast on her arm
 Poor sweet girl
Right as we were leaving my dad's house I got a text from a random number with this picture! They said, "Just spent the afternoon with the young men going over people in our ward they can visit! They are awesome!!" Turns out this text was from the Relief Society president in the Anamax Ward. Brother Kelly's mom texted me and asked some information about Stockton. We texted back and forth for a bit. How fun! Brother Kelly is from northern Virginia. This was the first time I was able to see these two together. I loved it! So happy she sent this to us.
Elder Kelly and Elder Smith

Maysen went straight back to Utah State from family dinner. She is coming back next Friday though! She wants to be here for Preston's birthday. He is SO HAPPY about that! Jorja was able to get three of the junior class officers to come over and make cookies. They made pumpkin chocolate chip. Her idea was for them to be thinking about someone who could use a little pick me up. They were on the lookout during this week. It was awesome to hear them talking about who would benefit from the cookies. They really took it seriously. They were able to make eight plates and wrote a nice note to each of the kids. It went so well they are planning on doing this every other week. Although they are going to start earlier. They didn't get home until late, late, late. Too bad Jorja was sick almost her entire sophomore year. She would have loved doing this last year too.
Jorja & Joe
 Luke, Marshall, Joe, Jorja
 Marshall, Joe, Jorja, Luke
Jorja ~ day 3

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