Friday, December 27, 2019

46 Years Old

That is how old I am. It is also how old my mom was when she got cancer. I can't even imagine getting cancer this year. Especially cancer that her older sister had just died of a year before. I don't like thinking about it, but it is always in the back of my mind.

Today was fun. Stockton called me early this morning. I got to talk with him for an hour. That was nice. It was different than talking to him on p-day. He was by himself while his companion was getting ready for the day, so he was able to be more open. I love him so much! We went to Seussical the Musical. It was weird. I thought The Cat in the Hat did a great job though. Fun to see something different and fun to be there with my family. We tried to go to Cheesecake Factory before the play. We thought we left in plenty of time to beat the crowd. We got there at 5:20, but the wait was an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and forty five minutes. That wasn't going to work. We ended up getting something in the food court at the mall and going to Cheesecake Factory after the play. There was no crowd then! It was a perfect plan, except Brett and Rachel came while we were gone. They had our garage code so they were able to get in and get settled. They were all sound asleep when we got home. Exhausted from their two day drive.
 Stephanie, Maysen, Preston, Mike, Jorja
 Jorja & Stephanie
 Stephanie & Jorja
Mike took our picture. The lighting is weird, but still proof we were all there. I got annoyed with Preston for the faces he was making. Come on! It's my birthday. You can give me a good picture! A guy next to us asked us if Mike wanted to be in, so Preston behaved himself for that one.
Jorja, Stephanie, Preston, Maysen
 Come on Preston! You look ridiculous!
 Mike, Jorja, Stephanie, Preston, Maysen
It's hard to tell what is going on in this fork/salt picture, but those forks are holding up Salty. I think she is the Queen salt shaker. Or at least a princess. Too bad their tower broke and Salty became a casualty that spilled salt everywhere. 

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