Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hanging with Brett

Brett's kids are here and Matt's kids came over to play. Marie got some nail stamps for Christmas and Jorja spent some time with her teaching her how to use them. Marie did a great job on her nails! Jorja also painted a lot of nails. Eve kept changing her mind. So Jorja painted Eve's nails three times I think. Mike told me Jorja looked so cute with all the cousins around her. I hurried down for a picture, but Jorja was gone. You can see our pingpong table that has turned into a workshop. You can tell Stockton isn't home when the pingpong table looks like that! I spent most of the day playing Dominion with Brett and Matt. It was a lot of fun. I won one game and lost the other.
Greg, Mina, Jeff, Eve, Anne, Grace
Matt made the most heroic dive with Amy. I didn't even notice how close she was to the stairs. Matt was changing Greg's diaper. All of a sudden I hear him yell her name. He ran down the hall and dove for her before I could react, and right as she started to fall. There was absolutely no chance she wasn't going to fall down those stairs. We made him do a reenactment of catching her, but Amy wasn't really cooperating.
Amy & Matt
Brett's had a really close group of friends in high school. They still keep in touch. They had planned to get together today. Brett told him he wasn't coming to town. It was only a week ago that they decided to come. Perfect timing on his part. Rachel went to a wedding and I went with Brett in Rachel's place. We went to dinner and then to an escape room. It was one I had done two years ago, but I remembered hardly anything. I remembered the light switch thing that annoyed me so bad last time. I remembered where the other rooms were placed. That was all I remembered. I did find a few things and whispered to Brett. Everyone left the last room and Brett and I were left in there. A few seconds after Brett left I found the key they had been looking for. I called to Brett and handed it to him. He went into the other room right as the rest of the group were asking for a clue as to where the key was. Brett burst in and stopped them. Haha. It was funny.
Carter & his wife, Josh & wife, Matt & wife, Todd & wife, Brett and Stephanie
 Our serious faces
We went to Cold Stone after and hung out why all those friends were able to catch up. It was fun for me to just hang out with Brett. So glad he came into town!

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