Sunday, December 29, 2019

New Ducks

Marie has to get shots every other week. She has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Poor girl. Not getting enough sleep, dancing all day yesterday, eating sugar and dairy have not helped her this week at all.
Rachel & Marie
 Church ~ Stephanie and Grace
Mike has been talking to a duck rescue person. He told her if she came across a girl pekin duck that he would love to take care of it. While we were at church he got this text from her and was quite excited. She came this afternoon and brought two new girl ducks. We let Maysen and Jorja name them, since Preston's duck is Quacky Chan. Jorja named her duck Angel. She was deciding between Angel and Kiki before, and now Kiki is an Angel. Maysen named her duck Cream. Maysen's duck has a hole in his foot. Poor little duckie.
 Cream, Quacky Chan, Angel
 Behind the duckhouse
Scoop and Cori came over after church and brought presents! Bubs and his family and Matt and his family came over for dinner. My dad brought lasagna. It was delicious. We had fun. We ate. The kids played together. We played games. My dad even brought cake for my birthday! Well, a big cookie and brownie. I didn't expect that and was so surprised!
Eve, Brett, Grace, Marie
I had four gingerbread houses waiting for Brett's girls. They had a great time!
 Marie ~ she made a Great Wolf Lodge cabin, complete with waterslide!
I couldn't find pictures of Eve for some reason, so I took a screen shot of Eve from this video Brett sent me. Haha.
Birthday cake!

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