Monday, December 30, 2019


My dad, Brett and I went to see Bubs ref a game at Riverton High School. He did a great job, although the Riverton coach got mad at Bubs when Bubs asked if he had any tape because two players almost hurt themselves by tripping over some mat that was sticking up. Luckily some mom's were on the case and brought Bubs tape speedy quick. It was fun to watch him and fun to be there with my dad and Brett. Jeri (Miller) Johnson was also there and that was really cool. She sat by my dad and we were able to catch up with her. Brett and Jeri used to be really good friends, so that was cool.
Brett and his family left for Emmitt, Idaho today to see Rachel's family. Mike, Maysen, Preston and I went to the cabin. Jorja had to work this week, so she stayed behind at Hailey's house. Jorja and Hailey went to see Cats tonight and it was as terrible as all the reviews said it was. They thought it was funny though.

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