Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sick Last Day

We didn't go sledding even once. That's a first. I was hoping to sled into 2020 at the springs like we did a few years ago, but Preston was sick. He was sick all day. Poor little guy felt miserable. We all climbed into Preston's bed and watched the festivities on Mike's laptop. We woke him up for it, then he went right back to sleep. What a fun way to start this decade.
Maysen, Mike, Stephanie
 Stephanie & Preston
Jorja went to a party with Hailey, Emily and Allison. She was not too happy about that. Jorja does not like parties. But Emily had already bought her a ticket. Jorja was nervous and called us about it. She ended up being fine and having a great time, although she said she doesn't want to do that again. She texted me when she got to Hailey's house. She said she had fun and didn't kiss any boys! Well done Porge!

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