Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Lost Drone

It snowed and snowed and snowed today. It was awesome. We didn't get out in it too much because Preston still wasn't feeling well. Mike went out and played with Preston's drone. He came in later and told Preston he would have to buy him a new drone because he lost it. Luckily the drone sent a video to Mike's phone, so he was able to see where it crashed. We knew it crashed into the trees in the yard of the cabin behind ours. I told Mike I would help him look for it. I knew if we didn't find it now, we would never find it. Not with it snowing as hard as it was. It was a bit of a hike to get there. The snow was deep!
Preston even came to help us look. Mike brought a broom and whacked the tree over and over to see if the drone would drop. He thought it was stuck in there because he couldn't find it out the ground. I walked around his footprints and noticed a little indentation just above the trail. I dug into the snow a bit and there it was! Just laying there with it's lights on and everything. I wish I had taken a picture of what the indentation looked like because that thing was buried! You couldn't even see the lights above the snow. Preston was so happy we found it. Mike was relieved too!
 Mike & Preston
 Happy boys
 Still works!
 Mike walking to recover the drone....
Stockton was able to call today. I love talking to him. President Uchtdorf is going to be visiting their mission this month. That will be exciting! Stockton is looking forward to the holidays being over. Missionary work kind of gets put on pause for the month of December. Sometimes it gets frustrating. Jorja spent the day in Salt Lake with her friends. She was hoping to get some videos taken at the Salt Flats for her campaign, but that didn't work out. She seemed to have a great time today. We were able to do a couple of runs of night sledding. It was pretty slow with all that snow, and Preston still wasn't feeling great, but at least we did some sledding this trip!

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