Thursday, January 2, 2020

Paul and Amanda

We cleaned the cabin last night and were able to get out of here by 7:30 this morning. Winterized and everything. That has never happened before. We drove to Idaho Falls. We were in this cool fog for a bit, but I wasn't able to get a picture of it. Had to delete pictures. Grrrr. These were our roads the rest of the way. MUCH better than yesterday!
Mike dropped me off at the Idaho Falls temple. I got there a little after 9:00. Paul and Amanda were sealed today. At 11:00. We were supposed to be here by 10:30. I was a little early. I decided to do initiatories while I waited. I did two rounds of those. Then I went and sat in the Celestial Room for awhile. I was surprised how small it was. I had been there when Jordyn got her endowments out, but I don't remember it being that small. Anyways, after I left that I wandered around the temple looking for the marriage waiting room. I ran into Paul. He told me I was on the wrong side of the temple. Haha! Jackie was there when I found the waiting room, so I was able to talk to her. Then Brooke came! Yay! Yay! Yay! It was soooo good to see her! Paul and Amanda's sealing was great. Amanda looked so pretty. I didn't get a picture of anyone though. Completely forgot.

Mike took Maysen and Preston to see a movie while I was at the temple. They saw Spies in Disguise. Then they went to DI. It was new and they were pretty excited about that. Mike texted me this picture from the theater. Haha.
We went to Jackie and Mark's house after the sealing. I sat and ate with Brooke, Courtney and Sharon. So fun to catch up with them! Mike brought the kids over when they finished shopping. We left shortly after they arrived. Preston still was feeling awful. He was shivering. So, we said our goodbyes and headed back to Utah.

Preston slept most of the way. I talked Mike into stopping by the trophy shop and picking up Ashley's plaque. The one our ward has been going to for thirty plus years went out of business and I have been looking for a replacement. I decided on this silver one. The picture is etched on the silver. I kind of think maybe I should get a black boarder around the entire thing for the other ones, but I don't know...
We stopped at Chick-Fil-A for dinner and to see Jorja. She was able to come on break and eat with us. Yay! It was great to see her! I took this picture of Rachel's stocking and sent it to Brooke. She is making the same one for Shylee. We are about at the same spot. Ha!

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