Friday, January 3, 2020

Sleeping Jeff

My nephew Spencer is in town from Boston. He married a beautiful girl with a Chinese name that I have no idea how to spell. This is the first time he has been in town since he got married about two years ago. Anyway, Mike and I drove two cars to Steve and Shannon's house to say hello. Man is Spencer's wife pretty! She has one more semester left before she gets her doctorate in Chinese Literature. I wish I had brought Jorja and Preston with me! Anyway, she was super nice and I was happy I was able to meet her and see Spencer. I can't believe I forgot to get a picture though! I didn't stay long because Brett and his family came back from Idaho today. I was able to get home before they got here. Matt and his family came up to see them. Brett and Rachel are leaving early tomorrow to drive back to Ohio. We played Jackbox games with them most of the night. It was super fun, especially for the kids. Marie, Mina and Anne all played with the grownups. Jeff was super tired and fell asleep in the middle of all the chaos. He slept the entire time, even with multiple people bumping into him. Poor little guys have had a rough few months!
 Grace & Anne
Madison came over and made a cake with Jorja. It smelled soooo good! Eve was quite impressed! Too bad they finished the cake after all the girls were in bed! These pictures of Eve watching the cake are too cute! Just ignore the messy kitchen. Things were quite chaotic, but we survived and the kitchen is now beautiful as I type this. Haha.
Jorja, Madison & Eve
 Look at Eve! Isn't she the cutest?
Eve kept crinkling up her nose sniffing the cake. It smelled so good! She really wanted a piece, but didn't complain at all when she didn't get one. Sure going to miss these little girls! Wish they lived close by!
Jorja & Eve (and Madison)
 Jorja and Marie (and Mina)
 Jorja and Mina
 Jorja and Brett
We stayed up past midnight, but didn't stay up until 2:00 playing Dominion. It was tempting though, but we decided we didn't want Brett to crash on the way home tomorrow. Long days of driving ahead for him! So glad they were able to come!

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