Friday, December 6, 2019


Grandma Honey died 14 years ago today, so that's stupid. Maysen came home for the weekend and that is great. I made gingerbread. Jorja did odd jobs after school to earn money for the make a wish fundraiser.

So...lately Jorja has been taking my phone to bed at night to watch movies to help her fall asleep. No way is she allowed to have her phone with her at night. I set my alarms on her phone for me to wake the kids up. Rarely am I woken up by an alarm. Probably once a month if I'm being generous. So, the alarms are mostly my reminders of when to wake them. Today I had one set for Jorja at 6:30 and one set for Preston at 8:00. Preston has late start on Fridays. The chances of me needing to wake him up on Fridays are slim, but still I didn't want to forget. At exactly 7:57 I realized my mistake. I set the alarm on Jorja's phone, which she now had with her at school. Even though her phone is on do not disturb, the alarm would still go off. I started frantically texting her. Luckily she saw the message. Gotta remember not to do that in the future!

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