Thursday, December 5, 2019

Festival of Trees

I watched Amy today while Matt went to the temple with Sam. Sam is still in the hospital, but she got permission to go to the Salt Lake Temple for a few hours. It is close by the hospital, so she could get there fast if anything went wrong. Greg had daycare, Jeff had preschool and Anne had school. She actually had a field trip to the Festival of Trees! Jorja was able to miss school and volunteered at the Festival of Trees today with her PLT class. What timing! Too bad they never saw each other though. That would have just been too cool.
Anne and Greg
 Stephanie and Amy ~ I took this and closed my eyes
 Because I looked super old with my eyes open
Amy just wanted to be held the entire time. She slept on me for a few hours. It made watching her easy. My dad came down around 11:45 so I could go to the ward relief society birthday lunch. They do the lunch birthdays by month. My birthday is in December, so.... That was fun too. I talked with Sara Henderson, Katie Willes and Laura Longhurst most of the time. It was great.

 Alta PLT
I heard from Maysen today. She was able to get marketing as her official minor. She also got an email from her marketing teacher that said, "By the way, you've done really well in the class - hope you might consider at least minoring in marketing." Haha. Talk about timing on that one! Looks like she is going to be able to pull off a major in psychology, major in English with an emphasis in creative writing and a minor in marketing. Nicely done Maysen, nicely done. She is on the wait list for her last marking class, but they told her if she doesn't get in it she can still graduate and take it as an online class during the summer. If she gets in, she will have 18 credits.... going to be a busy last term!

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