Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Breakfast with Maysen

I went to exercise with Shannon today. When I got in my car there was a message from Bubs and one from Jacqui. I contacted them both. Jacqui wanted me to apply for a job at Alta to work in the library. She wanted to split the position with me. She gave me the number of who to talk to. We talked for a long time on the phone. Her dad died on Halloween and she talked to me a lot about that. So so so hard to lose a parent. I called Jenny at Alta and now have a job interview set up for Friday. Fingers crossed!

I went to breakfast with Maysen. We like to go out together at least once when she comes home from big things. Like Christmas break. Crazy that she only has one semester left! She has done fantastic! She is awesome! Maysen went with me to search for this trophy place in Draper. I got the okay to order missionary plaques from them. We are changing the look. It will still have the same layout, but look more modern. The pictures will be etched on silver. I hope it looks like I am imagining it, because they didn't have any examples. Ashley Scott will be our guinea pig. So, fingers crossed on that one too!

We had the Relief Society Christmas party today. Becky, Stephanie and I walked over together. They always have delicious food, but I was fasting. Matt and Sam are having baby Kaylee tomorrow and so much could go wrong! Kaylee will be exactly 32 weeks. Sam will need a hysterectomy, possibly bladder surgery and possibly a blood transfusion. So, ahhhhh! Sam has been in the hospital since November 14th, but she has amazing doctors that are highly trained in dealing with placenta accreta. I think her doctor is the leading doctor in the nation in that problem. So, she is in good hands. Still, fasting wouldn't hurt. Anyway, I had a great time and talked to Camee for quite awhile. She gave me a great idea for Stockton and how I can pull it off. So..... we'll see.

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