Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Clint and his Drone

I took Jorja to her doctor appointment today. Everything is well. We stopped at Kneaders on the way home and picked up some pumpkin bread and an eclair for Preston. The tooth fairy forgot to check under Preston's pillow for his FOUR teeth last night, so I wanted to make him feel better. Preston loves eclairs. Jorja went to the choir Christmas concert. She made a darling poster for them and filled a stocking with candy. Jorja has choir for her student government 'kindness' during the year. She said the poster she made them at the beginning of the year is still hanging up on the door. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of this one. It was adorable!

Preston had pizza and planning for young mens. He wasn't looking forward to it because they end up playing basketball. Well, Clint is awesome in looking out for Preston. He sent us this picture of Preston flying his drone. Preston loved it and said that he was the only one that was allowed to fly it.
Preston & Clint

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