Monday, December 16, 2019

Teeth, Caroling and Pageant

I'm always so focused on getting pictures of gingerbread before people leave that I forget to take pictures of my own kids! I got a picture of Preston's today. He made a candy bank. That got robbed. He actually had a lighter to his house. The candy strips were on fire. He said something like, "I love it how no one is stopping me from doing this." He is the fourth child.
 Mike made a duck house and 3D printed two ducks
Preston didn't go to school today. He had to get four teeth pulled. He didn't complain at all. Eric was so funny when he was working on Preston's teeth. He kept telling stories of things he would do with Mike as they were growing up. One about how Mike made a magic mushroom grenade with his dad's gun powder. He thought he put a delay on it, but that didn't work. He lit it and it blew up in his hand. Eric said he thought Mike lost his arm, but it was just like a cartoon. Lots of loud noise and smoke. When it cleared Mike's hair was standing up and he was covered in black, but his arm was intact. Eric said Mike would chase him with flaming toilet paper and Lincoln logs. He remembers running up on the roof and Mike shooting the flaming Lincoln logs at him. I asked Eric why he hung out with Mike. He said because he was a ton of fun, always doing something crazy and most time it would backfire on him. Ha! The last story he told was Mike made a zip line across a gully in his yard. He had the pulley attached to his backpack. He jumped up to go and his long hair got caught in the pulley. Ouch!
Preston was a little sore the rest of the day. He didn't feel well enough to go to the Christmas pageant tonight. Maysen stayed home with him. Jorja couldn't go because she was going caroling with student government. They came over to our house for hot chocolate after. Mike and I went to the pageant. It was nice to see his family. Tage was Mary and she was adorable. Scoop was her donkey. Haha!
Scoop and Tage
I talked to Stockton for just a bit today. He didn't have too much time, but he had a hard week this week. Stockton called right as Jorja and I walked into JoAnn's Fabric. I gave the phone to Jorja and she talked to him most of the time. I think it was better that he talked to her. He needed that. Those two love each other. I am incredibly thankful that all my kids get along. It's the best.

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