Sunday, December 15, 2019

Coco, Gingerbread and Star Wars

Ben & Jorja from last night's dance
 Hailey & Jorja
 Hailey, Tyler, Ben, Jorja
 Gingerbread Factory
 Abby, Ella, Amelia, Lincoln
 Cross-eyed boy
 Anne, Jeff, Greg
 With Amy
 Anne wanted to hold her house standing up
 So Jeff wants to do that too
 Greg & Amy
 Jorja working on her poster to ask Bode to Sweethearts
 Bode is a huge Star Wars fan
 Final result... if you look closely, you can see Jorja's name in pink letters throughout the poster
Hailey and Allison went with Jorja to drop off the poster. Except no one ever came to the door. Just like last year. Haha. Jorja didn't know if she needed to knock again. I drove Jorja, Allison and Maysen to Bode's house. The plan was to have Maysen knock like she did last year. We figured Maysen's knocks work best. Anyway, when we drove by, Bode was out on the front porch with a lot of his friends. Haha. When we got home, he posted the picture of the Star Wars poster, but didn't tag Jorja. Jorja also had a lot of star bursts spread around the poster. Maybe he thought her name was in there. About fifteen minutes later he posted again where he showed Jorja's name. Haha. At least that is done. The dance isn't until February so she won't have to worry about it for awhile. The student government girls are all going together, so it should be a lot of fun. Marshall and Joe are also in the group. Jorja, Bode, Marshall and Joe are all junior class officers. Jorja's pretty excited.

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