Saturday, December 14, 2019

Coco Christmas Dance

Today was the Christmas Dance. Jorja was at Hailey's house this morning doing last minute preparations, I think. Jorja also went to Jane Hillstead's viewing. It was at our church building. She said she saw her friend Luke as soon as she walked in. Jane is Luke's two year old sister. She died on Thanksgiving. Jorja was able to talk to Luke for a bit. I'm so glad she was able to see him. Shortly after Jorja got home Hailey came over and their dates picked them up for the day activity. They went to the aquarium. Jorja had a great time and was able to see the giant spider she thought killed Ben when she got her wisdom teeth out.
Hailey, Tyler, Ben, Jorja
The girls got ready together. The theme for the dance was Disney and their group decided to do a Coco theme. The make up turned out really cute. The boys took them Toscanos for dinner. I think that was the name. It is the same restaurant we went to for Jorja's birthday dinner. The dance was in the field house, which is nice. Then they went to Tyler's house after. Jorja had a great time and loved that Hailey was in her group too. These two have a goal to go on a double date once a month. They got to do it, even without them doing the asking. Nicely done girls! Nicely done.
 Hailey, Tyler, Ben, Jorja
 Hailey & Jorja
 Tyler & Hailey
 Ben & Jorja

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