Friday, December 13, 2019

Too Many Teeth

Preston had a dentist appointment this morning. He will need several teeth pulled. His baby teeth don't want to come out, so his permanent teeth are coming in crooked. He will need braces for sure, probably starting this summer. That is to fix his jaw. Sounds fun.
Maysen got to meet her new roommate. She seems nice. Hopefully they will get along and hopefully Maysen will love her dog. She didn't get to meet her dog today. Maysen did come home today! Yay! We get her for a few weeks! She finished her last essay after she arrived home. All done now.
Maysen and Me'lani
I went and watched Bubs ref a basketball game at Brighton High School. It was between Brighton and Riverton. At the beginning of the game, Brighton was hitting threes and Riverton was hitting nothing, not even foul shots....well, they got one of those. The score was 13-1 at one point. That's tough to overcome. Riverton didn't overcome it....

When I got there Bubs waved me over. Jana and Jeri Miller were there! Well, they aren't Miller's anymore. Jeri's son is on the Riverton sophomore team. Or whichever team played before the game Bubs reffed. That was fun to see them.
Bubs with his hands on his hips
I got a Christmas card from Cheri Bennett today. Glad it made it to me! It actually came in the mail like this! Haha. Glad that Aiden's face survived the trip!

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