Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve

I love spending Christmas Eve at the cabin. Sherry and her family left this morning. Steve and Shannon stayed here with us. Mike and Steve were able to fix the 4 wheeler, so that was wonderful. Today was pretty warm and it was snowing wet snow. Ugh. Great for building things, not great for sledding. We had a lot of fun playing games though. We went night sledding, which was a ton of fun. The light on my hat started dimming which made sledding super dark sometimes. I held it out in front of me while I sled on my belly, that seemed to work better. I need to remember to charge it everyday. Mike and Sherry bought a giant sled that has been fun. Except that it is super hard to steer! Steve and Weston almost ran straight into a tree. It is really fun though. We sled all the way until Christmas! Haha

Just after midnight we hung our stockings and opened our Christmas jammies before we crashed for the night.
No Stockton ~ hope the has a nice Christmas in Arizona!
 Christmas jammies ~ Stephanie, Preston, Jorja, Mike, Maysen
I let everyone pick out their own jammies this year. I wanted cactus ones and Jorja went along with me. Maysen picked out some red ones. Mike wanted a duck shirt. Preston wanted a homemade duck shirt. I need to get a better picture. But it is Quacky Chan playing Apples to Apples. He loves it.
Stephanie & Jorja
 I was annoyed that Jorja was pulling a face, so I made her take another picture
I always forget that I have SO MANY wrinkles when I lift my eyebrows!

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