Monday, December 23, 2019

Sledding and Games

Today was spent sledding and it was so much fun!
Cousin picture at the Springs!
Jacob, Weston, Jorja, Tage, Connor, Miah, Maysen
 Miah & Jorja
I don't really like how many trees were taken down, crazy that this used to be the back part of the Springs that we never sled down. But....look how beautiful it is with the reservoir behind them. I love it here! I laughed at the progression of this picture. Jorja does not like being far away from people. For some reason it makes her anxious. Any picture she has where she has space between people she thinks is awkward. So, even though this is the same picture over and over, it makes me laugh.
Angry Jorja
 Weston, why are you so far away?
 Nope. Get over here.
 Jorja: That's better Weston: Weirdo
 Weston: Jacob! Get over here!
 All better
 Now for the bunny ears
Shannon got a better sibling picture than me, but at least I got one! My phone froze up right after I took this one. It does not like the cold.
Mike, Sherry, Steve
We sled at the hill outside the cabin before we went to the Springs. It was a lot of fun. The kids spent some time making a jump. It was such a beautiful day for sledding. Not as fast as it was yesterday, but not as cold either.
Tage & Connor
 Tage & Connor, Jorja, Preston, Maysen
 Jorja spun out and lost her sled
 Tage & Connor taking the jump, Jorja's wreckage, Preston sledding through, Maysen watching
 Steve walking, Maysen, Preston, Weston behind, Jacob, Mike, Miah & Jorja
 Taking the illusion of Maysen's jump away, but I think she looks really pretty here
 Jacob & Jorja race, Miah at the top
 Tage, Connor, Miah, Weston
 Miah crashed
We went night sledding, but weren't able to stay out super long because the shift lever broke off of the 4-wheeler. Mike didn't want to try and fix it while we were at the Springs. We still had a great time though. The rest of the day was spent playing games. The cousins played Catan and then my kids and Mike had a late night game while I went to sleep. Such a great day.
 Jacob, Maysen, Connor, Weston
 Connor, Weston, Jacob, Maysen
 Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Mike

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