Sunday, December 22, 2019

Not That Easy

We decided to listen to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional for church today. We hadn't had a chance to listen to it, and today was perfect. After 'church' Mike got the tracks on the 4-wheeler. It was interesting driving the 4-wheeler last night while we unloaded our stuff. Made me so grateful for the tracks. It is super slippery without them.

We broke out Preston's Exit game that he got for his birthday. It was a lot of fun. I love those games.
Preston, Mike, Maysen, Jorja
 There was a QR code that we found. This is the message we got when we scanned it.
Mike and I took a quick run up to the Springs. They had to replace the water system this summer. So many of the trees were gone! It's crazy how wide the road now is. Not sure how I feel about it. It was a super fast hill though. Mike and I each took a turn going down. I went so fast! Mike's brand new sled broke on him on the way down, so he didn't quite get the same experience. We went back to the cabin and picked up Jorja and Preston for a few runs down. It was icy, cold and fun. The last run down the sun was setting and it was so beautiful!
Top of the Springs
 Halfway down
Steve, Shannon, Jacob and Weston arrived this evening followed by Sherry, Connor, Tage and Miah. This is going to be fun! Connor and Tage helped me with my puzzle book. The kids broke out a puzzle Shannon brought. We also played Canadian Salad. It was Miah and Tage's first time playing that game. Miah came in first and Tage came in second. Haha. The round where you get 100 points if you take the last trick, I had a horrible hand. I had three aces, one king, all trumps and one 6 of hearts. I managed to get rid of everything and thought I might have escaped it. But on the last hand Steve led with hearts. I won the trick with a 6 of hearts. My only not horrible card. Hahaha.
Weston, Maysen, Miah, Jorja, Preston
While we were playing cards, I got a text from someone in the Anamax Ward that said, "The elders here (your son), wanted to let you know that their pday this week will be on Wednesday." Nice that Stockton was able to get that message to us so I wouldn't be wondering all day. He had mentioned that his pday might be changed to Christmas. Glad he was able to let me know. I sure do miss him!

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