Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas then Cabin

I woke up to Maysen cleaning the entire kitchen. It was awesome. I'm usually the first one awake, so I definitely didn't expect that!
 Jorja is so excited!
Early Christmas was a success. Mike got the kids all laptops. They did not expect that! His work was getting new computers and Mike was able to snag a few for a pretty cheap price. Hopefully it works well for all of them. Preston opened his first and was shocked. Jorja was pretty excited about hers. She borrows mine all the time. She is going to love having her own space to do essays. Maysen was shocked with hers. Especially since she already has a laptop. It is a little Chromebook that has been perfect for her. We told her that this could replace her computer. I think she will end up using it more than she realizes. Maysen was happy with it, just surprised that she got one too.
Jorja with her laptop, ACT book and Dead Sea mud
 Preston with his lap top, light hat, nativity and popcorn bucket
 Maysen with her laptop and new purse/bag
 I got a few puzzle books that should be fun
 My favorite present was this necklace
The heart is in Tucson, and it has Stockton's birthstone
Jorja dropped presents off at a few of her friends houses. Ben gave Jorja a present. She gave him this hat. Haha. What a weirdo.
Ben & Jorja
We left for the cabin around 3:00. We stopped by the mail store so Jorja could mail something to Conner. Next stop was Lily's house so she could pick up her water bottle she left in the car. Then to Dallen and Bode's house to drop off their Christmas presents and give Bode his jacket he left at our house. Then to get pizza, then we were on the road! The roads were great. The weather was perfect. We knew we weren't going to get to the cabin before 7, so we stopped and got groceries in Afton. This was shortly after I tasted the worst thing I have ever tasted in my life. I was driving and wanted a sip of water. I grabbed what I thought was my water bottle, it wasn't. It was Diet Dr. Pepper. I am allergic to caffeine. I can't stand the smell of cola, so I just stay away from it. Chocolate doesn't bother me unless I have way too much of it. The second I had the Dr. Pepper in my mouth my stomach started retching. I rolled down the window and tried to spit it out, while I was driving. I could feel my throat closing in on itself. Not to the point where I couldn't breathe, but it was the weirdest feeling. I always thought if I had caffeine it just made me have this weird cough. This was so much more than that and I'm not sure any of the Dr. Pepper even got down my throat. I am staying far away from that forever. It was awful.

The cabin wasn't super cold when we got here. Turns out we accidentally left on one heater. Whoops. We haven't been here since General Conference in October. We stayed up pretty late. Mike, Maysen and I played WIM that Mike made for me for Christmas. I won even though I didn't deserve to win. Mike and Maysen came up with way better words. I had a few lucky turns where I was able to get triple points on adding onto words that were there. Maysen deserved a lot more points for gemini. Haha. We all slept in the lava room. It was nice and toasty when we finally got to bed. This week is going to be so much fun!
Mike set up the tree in front of the door he doesn't want people to use ~ hahaha!

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