Friday, December 20, 2019

Stockings Were Hung

Matt and Sam got to hold Kaylee today. Just for a few moments, but yay!
Rachel texted me pictures of the finished stockings. They look so good! I do not trust myself to put these stockings together. I'm glad Rachel has this talent. Eve had her stocking last year, so I only have pictures of the three other girls with their new stockings.
 Rachel made Brett's stocking. They look so good together! I'll get Rachel one for next year!
I had my job interview this morning. It went well. We'll see if I get it. Who knows. Mike, Maysen and I went to the Bountiful Temple today. Mike's friend from work was taking his endowments out and asked Mike if he would like to come. Maysen and I tagged along. It was really nice. The Bountiful Temple is huge! I asked Mike if we could stop by the University of Utah hospital on the way home. Mike and Maysen waited in the car while I went up to see Kaylee. She is in the NICU. Matt met me and took me to see her. She has jaundice and needs help breathing, but other than that she is going great! Then Matt took me to see Sam. Sam talked about all the miracles that happened yesterday. One of the big ones was how little blood she lost. The doctor told her she would lose gallons of blood. They had a blood transfusion team standing by. Sam ended up losing less than a regular c-section. Incredible! They didn't let her hold or see Kaylee at all after she was born. They started her surgery right away, probably one of the reasons she lost so little blood.
Kaylee under lights
While we were gone, Jorja texted me a picture of Shiver. He has been lost for over a month. We have looked and looked for him. Preston has missed him. Mike had given Preston 'spare Shiver' and 'spare spare Shiver' but Preston wanted the ratty real thing. Jorja found him today! He had fallen behind her headboard and between her wall. The headboard goes all the way to the ground, so we couldn't see him when we looked under her bed. Preston slept in Jorja's bed one time when Maysen came home. Jorja hadn't moved back down from the guest room after having her wisdom teeth out. I told Jorja not to tell Preston and we should wrap Shiver up for Christmas. She texted me this picture and said, "Too late." Preston said that would have been mean because he would have thought we hid Shiver the entire time.
Preston & Shiver
Jorja had a gift exchange with a few of her friends. Hailey, Emily and Allison. Jorja made these blankets and little puzzle keychains. She found four interlocking pieces and painted them. She had a great time with these girls tonight.
Maysen had the idea of giving gingerbread houses to the missionaries serving in our area. We haven't ever met them, but I texted them and asked if we could drop off a Christmas present at their house. I looked up their number on LDS Tools and was glad I did. That is how I discovered they were in a trio. Would have been sad to not have enough houses for them. I put together candy, frosting and got three houses. Mike and I dropped them off. They were excited. I hope they have fun doing them. I also dropped off a house to Yolanda Veerlander. I love her! She is so nice. She wants Jorja to do caroling at the pavilion next year for the fund raiser. She said she would help Jorja figure everything out. That would be cool! Hopefully Jorja is in student government next year and hopefully Packer will let them do something like that!

When Jorja came home we read a little of Christ's birth from the scriptures. We are having part one of Christmas tomorrow. Opening presents Mike doesn't want to bring to the cabin, or we want to be able to use at the cabin. Santa isn't coming, so they won't have their stockings tomorrow. I hope Stockton is happy. I hope he has a great Christmas this year. It is going to be so weird without him.

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