Thursday, January 9, 2020

Big Mistake

Jorja went to school early to retake a physics test. She also has work from 4-close today. She is swamped. She texted me while she was at school and told me she made a big mistake. She was devastated. So.... Jorja can be pretty naive and do things without thinking. Jorja didn't finish her physics test this morning. Her teacher told her she could come after school to finish. Jorja has to be at work at 4:00, so she took a picture of the end of her physics test. In her mind she was thinking 'time management'. It didn't even occur to her that could be cheating. She thought there was no way she could finish the test and get to work on time. She wanted to work through the problems and be able to finish. Well, one of her friends saw her working on the test in a different class. He told her she did a question wrong. She told him she didn't. He grabbed her phone, ran out of class, went into the physics class and asked the teacher about the question. The teacher looked at the phone and said, "Is this Jorja's test?" Her friend thought she was just working on an assignment and wasn't sure what to do. Jorja kept hearing whispers throughout the day about how everyone was going to need to retake the test because she cheated. She was so embarrassed and devastated. She kept texting me about how she has never cheated in her life and can't believe she did this. I told her to talk to her teacher and explain what she was thinking. Jorja has a great relationship with this teacher. Jorja tried to do that, but she could never catch the teacher. Jorja wanted me to check her out of school. I wouldn't do that. She said she was having a panic attack. I still wouldn't check her out. I picked her up from school right when it was over so she wouldn't have to take the bus home. She wrote her teacher an email before she left for work explaining what had happened. So.....yikes.

In better news, Maysen came home! She was only gone less than a week, but it was good to see her. Preston was so happy. He adores her. She is so good with him. She plays games with him and spends a lot of her time with him. He eats ever second up. I'm glad they have each other. I hope they will always be this close.
Maysen and Preston

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