Friday, January 10, 2020


Jorja got home from work late, she realized she sent the message to her physics teacher to her wrong email. She sent another email before bed. Jorja went to school early so she could talk to her. The teacher never came. Then Jorja realized that it was a B day and she does swim on B days. She ended up going to Mrs. Waters and talking to her about Step to the U instead. I took Maysen to the doctors and then we stopped at the store to pick up a few things. While we were there Jorja started texting me. Things like 'I'm so scared to go to physics' 'I actually don't think I can do it' 'She's going to talk about the picture to everybody' 'I'm so embarrassed' 'I've gone to her class after every class today' 'She was never there' 'She hasn't seen my email either' 'I'm actually shaking' 'Moooom please help me' Jorja finally called me. I hadn't noticed the messages until then. She just told me to look at my phone and then she hung up. This was our interaction:

Me: I'm sorry. What class are you in now? Is there any other way to contact her?
Jorja: Plt. No. I can't go to class mom. I'm so scared
Me: You have to. It will be worse if you don't go.
Jorja: I'm going to cry
Me: Can you ask your teacher if you can leave and go talk to her?
Jorja: I'm scared
Me: I know, but it will be a thousand times worse if you don't go
Jorja: Xbsbsjdbsj I can't I'm so scared I'm too scared I can't
Me: It is a hard lesson to learn, but you just got to own up to what happened.
Jorja: My teacher let me go down to talk to her but I can hear her talking to a class right now so I'm just going to wait until the bell rings and then go in her class
Me: Good luck!!! Love you!
Jorja: I talked to her! She wasn't mad and she's gonna let me take the new retake today after school
Me: Yay! Yay! Yay! Soooo glad that is cleared up. How are you feeling now?
Jorja: Good!!!

Jorja said that the second she walked into the class her teacher said, "Jorja! I got your email. Don't worry about it." They talked about it and Jorja told her she never sent the picture to anyone and her teacher told her she believed her. Jorja was happy about that because she didn't make everyone retake the test. Jorja was able to stay after school and retake an entirely knew test. She finished it and felt she did pretty well on it. I talked to Jorja about how lucky it was that she had a good relationship with that teacher. She had her last year and was so great to work with through Jorja's sickness. She also saw how hard Jorja worked and knew enough about her to know Jorja's character. We talked about how she was very lucky this happened with Mrs. Kimball. If it was a teacher who didn't like her, they could have tried to get her kicked out of student government and made her life miserable. So.... lesson is.... think before you do things and NEVER take pictures of tests!

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