Saturday, January 11, 2020

Crowded Everywhere

Jorja got up early to go to the temple with Ben. They were gone for a long time. It was soooo crowded. They were at the temple for two hours and were only able to do baptisms. Didn't have time for confirmations.
Ben & Jorja
Jorja went shopping with Cori. Jorja was pretty excited that they found some cute hippie stuff for her campaign. I didn't take a picture when she tried it on for me, but she looks adorable. Cori also bought Preston some new shoes and Maysen some pants that are perfect for her. That was really nice of Cori to do.
Preston's old shoes
 Jorja and Maysen wearing pants from Cori
Maysen drove to Pizza Limone and met Jorja there. They were trying to go get food together today, but Jorja was so busy. Cori dropped Jorja off at the pizza store. Too bad the pizza place was busy too, so they just got some and brought it home. Jorja had to leave as soon as she got home. MORP was today. Hailey and Allison were waiting for her and snatched her away. It was nice that she wan't in charge of MORP this year. A lot less stressful. After the dance Hailey and Allison came over here and the girls played.....Just Dance. Guess they didn't get enough. Jorja said it was weird this time. There was a lot of pushing, aggressive pushing. Hailey got pushed down and stomped on. Like pushed down on purpose. So....hopefully that is not how all the dances will be like from now on.

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