Sunday, January 12, 2020

Locked Out

I took Maysen back to Logan this morning. We need to use the van to be able to transport Jorja's friends up to the cabin next weekend. The roads were AWFUL. I'm kind of glad Maysen didn't need to drive in that, except that I had to drive back and they were even worse. Maysen knocked on her door before she opened it. She wanted to give Penny, the dog, warning. Except that Me'lani heard her and rushed to answer the door. In the rush her bedroom door closed and locked behind her, with Penny inside. It took the girls about two hours to get ahold of an RA who could let Me'lani back into her room. Yikes!

I got back just in time for church. Preston was set apart as a teacher. Jorja had presidency meeting after church. We heard the ducks going crazy, then looked outside to see Jorja having a dance party by herself.
Mike, Jorja, Preston and I played Just Dance for a long time. Jorja wanted us to play the Tetris song. That was fun. Jorja and I did Dead Sea mud after. We sent this picture to Rachel.
Jorja & Stephanie

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