Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Lost Packets

I got frustrated with Jorja this morning. I was going through her phone and I saw a message between her and Emily saying Jorja's wallet was in Emily's car. I went down and asked Jorja why her wallet was there. One of the conditions Jorja has for driving her car to school is that she stays on school property. I have told her I don't even want her to go eat lunch in the car. Her friends do that, but I don't like it. Jorja knew she was busted and told me they went to Harmon's for lunch. I was very annoyed. I asked her how many times she has left with them. She said three. Just when I think I can trust her again, she does this. The dumb thing is, if she had asked I probably would have said yes. So.... Jorja won't be driving her car to school this week.

Becky texted me this morning and asked if I wanted to go to a late birthday lunch. That made me very happy. Camee was also there. We went to Zaos. I showed them some pictures of what we have done so far for the Amazing Race. It looks really cool. Becky and I stayed about ten minutes after Camee left. As we were packing up I got a text. It said I didn't get the job at the library. I was surprised with how disappointed I was. The interview went well. They only needed someone with a high school degree. I told them I would work as much or as little as they needed. Still, I didn't get it. The last job in the attendance office that I didn't get turned out to be a good thing. Jorja got really sick around that time and the doctors were telling me she might go blind. Hopefully she doesn't get sick again. Except she was texting me during lunch saying how sick she was. I checked her out of school so she could get some medicine and go to sleep.

I signed Jorja to take an ACT prep class over Presidents Day. Miah is taking it. Even is taking it too. Hopefully she can drive down with Evan and find Miah there as well. What a fun way to spend Valentines Day. Jorja asked if I would wake her up when school was over. I did and she went back to school to talk to her teachers. She transferred into a regular history class a week or so after the quarter had started. Her teacher gave her three packets to do to catch up. Jorja did them that weekend and was so proud. She turned them in, but they haven't been graded yet. Jorja wanted to talk to her teacher about it. Well, her teacher doesn't have any record that Jorja did all those packets. She basically told Jorja that she didn't believe her that she turned them in. Jorja has to redo all three packets. She is not happy about that. She was so mad because when she turned them in she almost took pictures of the packets, but then she told herself that was a stupid idea. Turns out it wasn't. Jorja did get a package today. She had asked Mike if she could have a weighted blanket. It is supposed to help with anxiety. She sat on her bed with the blanket and I sat on Maysen's and we worked on redoing the packets together.

Jorja was feeling better after sleep and the medicine kicked in. We decided to go dress shopping for Sweethearts. Jorja found a cute one at the rental shop, but the zipper was broken. They are going to fix it. It will probably be rented by someone else by the time we make it back there though. She did find a cute dress online for super cheap. Don't know how it will look on her though.
Jorja and I got food then went to one more dress store. Jorja didn't try on anything, but while we were there she got super sick again. We didn't stay long, but she was in a lot of pain by the time we left the store. Going to Young Women's was out of the question. Man, I hope tomorrow is better.

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